
Transforming Your

Story for Real Results


In a media-driven world, captivating stories alone are not enough.

Our Content Marketing Strategies harness the potential of your narrative to forge meaningful connections with your target audience, yielding tangible results.

In today's dynamic marketplace, conventional advertising methods fall short. To truly engage your audience, you must provide value, captivate their attention, and earn their trust.

At HigherLife, we unveil the secrets to leveraging your distinctive story and expertise, transforming your audience into loyal enthusiasts.

Story Marketing: From Definition to Revenue

Let our founder, David Welday take you through an exclusive 4-step story marketing strategy.


Uncover Your Story's Appeal

HigherLife helps unearth the captivating aspects of your story. With a belief in the worthiness of every story, our dedicated team works with you to discover engaging and unique elements of your identity and offerings.


Foster Authentic Connections

Authenticity is crucial today. We collaborate with your team to ensure a cohesive narrative across touchpoints. Every aspect reflects your authentic story, from website design to phone interactions and print ads.

3. TELL:

Share Your Story

Once your story is in sync, we share it with the world. Through radio interviews, books, publicity, resources, and captivating videos, we leverage diverse mediums to communicate your story effectively.

4. SELL:

Drive Revenue

Generating revenue is the ultimate goal. At HigherLife, we understand this. Whether attracting donors, acquiring clients, or boosting product sales, our laser-focused efforts aim for tangible financial growth.

We'll guide you step-by-step, from clarifying your target audience to marketing strategies.

Avoid common mistakes with our experienced coaching and succeed as an author today!

  • Identify target audience and value proposition
  • Select a suitable title, subtitle, and copy platform
  • Efficiently write your manuscript
  • Establish budget, timeline, and vendors
  • Design exceptional cover and interior
  • Address various levels of editing
  • Prepare for print, ebook, and audiobook formats
  • Set up a distribution system
  • Plan pre-launch and post-launch marketing
  • Implement follow-up and upsell strategy

HigherLife Publising & Marketing 2023 © 

P.O. Box 623307 Oviedo, FL 32762